Did you know that Autoimmune Disorders occur almost exclusively in developed countries? That’s right, people in underdeveloped countries, without clean running water, flushing toilets, cars, large supermarkets don’t really experience these diseases.
Major differences in life styles is the reason why. In developed countries we sit more and walk less, work more and socialize less, work from a desk using mostly our minds instead of outside using mostly our bodies, and because of ease of getting medications, pay little attention to the mind/body connection.
Our thoughts and emotions have a large impact on how we feel. As an example, did you ever go into a movie with a pain in your arm and get so engrossed in the movie that you forgot your arm hurt? Or, did you ever think so much about your arm pain that the pain began to feel excruciating? That is a prime example of how our thoughts control how our body feels.
Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation which helps the mind focus, and in that state of focused attention, you can easily learn suggestions and tools to help your body feel more comfortable and less pain.
Our thoughts have a major impact on how our body feels, in fact, they can regulate how our bodies feel. And since we are in control of our thoughts, why not use them to our benefit? With hypnotherapy we can modify our thought patterns to help our bodies.
This is an excerpt from a longer article. For the complete article, please read it at https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/life-without-anxiety/201706/hypnotherapy-and-its-benefits-autoimmune-disease.