Who may benefit from Supervision? Therapists who:
- Want to advance their clinical skills
- Want to learn specialized techniques
- Want to learn more about strategic/solution focused therapy
- Want to feel more comfortable as a family, couples and individual therapist
- Are recent graduates wanting to obtain their license and certification
- Who do not yet have their LCSW licensing
- Are supervisors wanting to consult on difficult cases and/or are having difficulty with a particular therapist
- Who may feel “stuck” with a particular client
- Want to explore how their personal beliefs and values may be affecting their effectiveness in therapy

During supervision you will enhance your therapeutic skills and learn:
- How to “read” the presenting problem
- Assess the individual/family/couple
- Develop your hypothesis
- Develop a treatment plan
- Decide on your interventions and strategies
- Determine therapy goals
- How to assess and measure the effectiveness of your techniques
- Who may feel “stuck” with a particular client
- Want to explore how their personal beliefs and values may be affecting their effectiveness in therapy
The environment of supervision will be warm, supportive and one in which you will develop skills you already possess. We will practice intervention techniques by role playing.