
What is Hypnosis?

Have you ever gotten into your car, driven home from the store or work and before you knew it you were pulling up in front of your house and didn’t remember all the turns you made to get there? That’s hypnosis.

Have you ever gotten so involved in a movie that you cried as if was real life? That’s hypnosis. Became so involved in reading a book that you didn’t hear the phone ring? That’s hypnosis. Closed your eyes and daydreamed about your last wonderful vacation? That’s also hypnosis.

In a hypnotic state or trance, you’ll be awake, aware, and may even be communicating back and forth with me. You will ALWAYS be in control and will only respond to statements and suggestions that make sense to you and seem beneficial to you.

Through Clinical Hypnosis you can discover how your unconscious mind is such a tremendous source of wisdom, clarity and creativity.

I first started studying and training in Hypnotherapy about 25 years ago. Since then, I have continued training to hone my skills and have advanced certifications in:

  • Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis
  • Hypnotherapy for Habit Control
  • Hypnotherapy for Pain Management
  • Hypnotherapy for Weight Management
  • Hypnosis and Sports Performance
  • Hypnosis for Immune Disorders

I am Certified by and a member in good standing of the American Hypnosis Association and the Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy®.

I offer hypnosis sessions for issues such as the following:

  • Post Traumatic Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Overcoming Grief
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Breaking unwanted habits
  • Resolving guilt or resentment
  • Weight management
  • Overcoming Fears and Phobias
  • Boosting motivation
  • Sports Performance
  • Test Anxiety
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Pain Management